Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog

The Evolution of Sales in Law Firms

Writer Cary Griffith has written an excellent article about the advent of sales in law firms, entitled "The Law Firm Marketing Director: Breaking New Ground?" on, at

He writes:

"Twenty years ago, most lawyers believed their work was somehow different from the rest of American business. The same tools, activities, and practices that characterized the competitive marketplace didn't apply to law firms or the practice of law. Today, that perspective has been turned upside down, paving the way for a revolution in the advertising, sale, and promotion of legal services."

But since 2001, everything changed when the first law firm (Womble Carlyle) hired a sales director. The article describes how more than 100 law firm marketers flocked to a program in February 2003 for a presentation and discussion of what could be a new trend in law firm business development -- the sales director.

The author He caught up with Mark Cowan, the Partner in charge of Sales at Patton Boggs in a Grand Rapids hotel room, where he was attending to the business of his firm. It's a great interview.

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