Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
4 Reasons Why Bloggers Should Attend ABA TECHSHOW
Posted by Tom Mighell, on the ABA Techshow blog:
Don't get me wrong; there are tons of reasons to attend ABA TECHSHOW scheduled for March 31-April 2 in Chicago. There are over 50 educational sessions on the latest in legal technology, sessions led by leading legal technology vendors, and lots more. But for you bloggers out there, if you need any more convincing, here are the 4 reasons why you should be attending this show:
1. The blawger dinner -- last year's dinner was a terrific success, and we expect even more this year. It will be held on Wednesday night, March 30, at The Catalyst Ranch, 656 W. Randolph, Suite 3W in Chicago,probably starting in the 7:30 or 8:00 range..
2. Meet the Bloggers roundtable discussion -- this year there will be a session about legal blogging put on by legal bloggers. If you're a blogger, you'll want to make sure you're there so you can tell us about your blogging experiences; if you're not, you'll want to make sure you're there so you can see what all the fuss is about. Of the speakers at ABA TECHSHOW, many of them are blogging -- they include:
- Matt Homann of the [non]billable hour
- Larry Bodine of the Professional Marketing Blog
- Jim Calloway of the Jim Calloway's Law Practice Tips Blog
- Bob Ambrogi of LawSites
- Ron Friedmann of Strategic Legal Technology
- Dennis Kennedy of Denniskennedy.blog
- Ernest Svenson of Ernie the Attorney
- Jeff Beard of the Lawtech Guru Blog
Some of them are bound to show up, including me -- come and place a face to the blog!
3. The Wireless Cloud -- for the third year, ABA TECHSHOW will have a "wireless cloud" over the entire conference area -- those of you with wireless access will be able to blog during the presentations!
4. Last, but most important: bloggers get it. You are a small part of the legal community that understands the impact technology can have on the practice of law. For that reason alone, ABA TECHSHOW was made for someone like you.
NB: The LawMarketing Portal will have TWO reporters covering the conference for your -- marketing consultant Andy Havens and PM Forum Membership Director Laura Kresich. Andy will be blogging LIVE with me during the show on the Professional Marketing blog.
Also: I'll be speaking on "Marketing with Technology," session GP.03 from 1-2 pm on Thursday, March 31. Catch my gig and learn about getting your marketing message around corporate firewalls, blogging with panache, how your blog can get you fired, online social networks, and how to tune up your Web site so that it generates leads.
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