Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
$10 Solution to Lost Business Cards
Ever forget to bring your business cards?
So here I am at a conference, hundreds of miles from home, and I discovered I forgot to bring my business cards. I've known other people in the same situation who have phoned their secretaries and told them to Fed-Ex their cards to them, for early AM delivery.
I went to an insty-printer outside the hotel that would print 50 cards overnight for $100. Then I went to the FedEx Kinko's which was closed at Noon. Criminey!
Then I got creative. I grabbed my laptop and went to the business center at the Hyatt where the conference is behing held. They had Avery Ink Jet Business Card stock on hand. I sat down and opened Word, and re-created my business card. I even inserted my logo, which I had on my hard drive.
I saved the "business.doc" file to the USB flash file I always carry with me, plugged it into the business center's computer. I reopened word, chose Tools | Letters and Mailings | Envelopes and Labels, selected Labels and chose Business Card #8371. I clicked "print" and out of the hotel's color printer came 20 perfectly done business cards.
Time spent: 10 minutes in the business center. Result: instant. Cost: $10.60.
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