Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog

Write a Book and You Can Charge Higher Fees

Writeabook I just got a copy of RainToday's most recent study, "The Business Impact of Writing a Book: Data, Analysis, and Lessons from Professional Service Providers Who Have Done It." It covers how publishing a business book affected 200 authors' ability to generate new leads, close deals, charge higher fees, differentiate themselves from competitors, improve their brand, and more.

RainToday found that writing a business book is an incredibly effective way of growing a business. They surveyed the authors of more than 590 business books and published the results in the report. Some interesting results we found include:

  • 96% of authors reported at least some lead generation improvement influenced by publishing a book.
  • 76% indicated publishing a book had at least some influence on their ability to close deals.
  • 83% reported at least some improvement on business with current clients as a result of publishing a book.

The 71-page PDF book sells for $149 in the LawMarketing Store. It includes similar data on the effects on generating speaking engagements, brand improvement, and growing a business. There is also data on how many books these authors sold, whether it was worthwhile to use an agent or PR agency, and more about how publishing a book can impact your business.

For more info on the research, click here.

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