Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
I've been Tagged for Self-Revalation
I've been tagged by technology goddess Monica Bay of The Common Scold to respond to a a semi-chain letter thing where you list 4 responses to various questions. Please pardon this exercise in self-aggrandizement, but if Ernie the Attorney and Monica have completed it, I will wince and do it too.
Four Jobs I've had:
1. Reporter for the New York Daily News
2. Door-to-door salesman for Encyclopedia Americana.
3. Lawyer practicing in beautiful Madison, Wisconsin.
4. Newspaper delivery boy for the Des Moines Register for 6 years.
Four movies I can watch over and over:
The Transporter, 1 and 2
The early Steve Segal movies, before he got fat
Ong-Bak, Thai Warrior
Four TV shows I love to watch:
The Daily Show
The Colbert Report
Nova on PBS
Modern Marvels on the History channel
Four places I've been on vacation:
Salida, Colorado, going tourmaline-hunting
Munich, many times
Costa Rica, this July
Four tunes that play through my head:
Jimmy Hendrix's Voodoo Chile (slight return)
Roll over Beethoven, the Beatles version
Jumpin Jack Flash by the Rolling Stones
Anything by ZZ Top
Four favorite dishes:
Ice cream, alone or in combo with brownies, fudge, pralines, caramel and a cherry on top
Mexican Sopapillas
Bread pudding drowning in caramel
Those fancy little petit fours you get at the dessert table at fancy functions
Four websites I visit daily:
LawMarketing.com.com, my home base
Four books I really love:
The World is Flat
Theodore Rex (about Teddy Roosevelt)
Dilbert cartoon collections
Frommer's Guide to anywhere exotic
Four places I'd rather be:
Tucson, Arizona, just where I am now, viewing at the mountains, cactuses and blue sky
Riding my bike on the Prairie Path in Glen Ellyn, Illinois
A Starbucks where they don't play the music too loud
Watching an action movie where guns are blazing and everything is blowing up
Four bloggers I'm tagging:
Kevin O'Keefe
Mark Beese
Will Hornsby
Thom Singer
Tel: 630.942.0977
I got this same questionaire 3 days ago from a bunch of my high school friends in Los Angeles. I will answer it on my blog this Tuesday.