Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog

Carnival of Marketing -- Day Four

Tom_antionAs someone who has to give the occasional speech, I love to follow Tom Antion's blog Great Public Speaking.  He's full of practical tips like posting your notes on flipcharts at the back of the room, or telling the audience you're going to ask them questions but putting them at ease by saying that you won't put them on the spot, or physically checking our the room and dais before you give you talk.  His latest tip is Say It With Flowers:

"A speaker friend of mine had a deal with a local flower shop. When he had a program the next day he would buy up all the fresh flowers that did not sell for a dirt cheap price. The flowers were destined for the dumpster anyway so the florist was thrilled to get anything for them. The speaker would arrive to big fanfare throwing flowers into the crowd. Everyone got a flower to take home and depending on the size of the crowd, some would get a whole bouquet. He also sent big bunches as his thank you gift to the meeting organizer. He purposely sent so many that the organizer could not possibly take them all home. His good will (and name) was spread all over the company he was speaking for and the people in the audience had a blast."

Jdbliss_logo_1 I also call your attention to the Work Life Balance Calculator created by email, blog, Web and podcast technologist Joshua Fruchter of eLawMarketing. It was created for attorneys, who are notorious workaholics, but it can be used by us relentless marketers too.

The purpose of the calculator is to help you determine on average:

  • how many hours you must spend in your office during the week to meet the billable hour requirements of your firm (taking into account vacation, personal and other "days off"), and
  • the amount of time you'll need to spend working at home after work or on weekends if you can't meet your firm's billable hour requirements solely from your time in the office during the week.

It's all part of a wonderful blog JD Bliss that Josh writes.  Unless you already have too much serenity in your life, I urge you to read JD Bliss.

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