Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog

Rotten Apples

Mark_merendaMy colleague Mark Merenda of Smart Marketing in Naples, Florida wrote me about his dreadful experience with Apple computers:

"I am a total Mac bigot. Have used a Mac without interruption for almost 20 years. I love the Apple brand. So when they announced the new Intel chip Macs, I couldn't wait. Four times faster! I bought a Macbook as soon as they were available. Within days I had heat issues, noise issues and sudden, unexplained shut-downs. This is apparently a widespread problem, by the way, from everything I'm reading online."

"After spending hours online with Apple tech support, I had to send back the computer. They sent me a new one. The new one had a bad wireless card, and wouldn't pick up wireless signals in hotel rooms, which is where I spend half my life. They fixed that in the Apple store in Atlanta. Neither of these computers is four times faster, or two times faster, or any faster, as far as I can tell. My new Macbook feels cheap, plastic, assembled in China. I loved my G-4 Powerbook, maybe I'll go back to, I can't say it."

You can read his entire post at

Mark added: "Also, Larry, you might enjoy this from fellow apostate Dave Rosenberg:

Some of his blog posts include:

My very own corner of Apple Hell
"I'm dead" says my MacBook replacement
My new 15" MacBook Pro (Verdict: Disappointing)
My MacBook sucks and I am returning it

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