Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
The Key to a Long-Term Client Relationship? RRRRRacing!
Ice Miller, a 220-lawyer Indianapolis law firm, knows how to maintain long-term client relationship. They have handled the logos, licensing and liability for Indianapolis Motor Speedway and Indy Racing League for 70+ years.
Few law firms can rival the relationship: Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs of Louisville, for example, has represented the Churchill Downs horse racetrack for more than 50 years. Bingham McCutchen represented its hometown Boston Red Sox, and the historic ballpark, Fenway Park, from 1933 until the team's sale in 2002.
Ice Miller partners Richards and David M. Mattingly call Speedway CEO Tony George a friend. Mattingly handles the major litigation. Richards does most of the legal work related to sanctioning races and other items.
"There aren't too many leagues or tracks, when you start thinking about 70 years" with a single law firm, said Cary Agajanian, the founder of Motorsports Management International, whose relatives were Indianapolis 500 car owners and promoters for at least five decades. "For me, as a lawyer, to see that a firm has been giving tremendous advice and counsel for that many years is a great thing. I hope that, after I'm gone, my firm would still continue to function as Ice Miller has."
Call Star reporter Tom Spalding at (317) 444-6202 with your comments. You can read his full story at http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2007705230417.
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