Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
The Number of Marketers Law Firms are Hiring
Does your firm have enough marketers? Perhaps not. New research shows that the general ratio of lawyers to marketers in a firm is 25-30 lawyers to a single marketer. This is not an aspiration -- this is what other law fims are actually doing.
According to Wisnik Career Enterprises, Inc. the average size of a marketing department is:
- 67 at firms with 1700+ lawyers
- 61 at firms with 1200-1700 lawyers
- 38 at firms with 1000-1200 lawyers
- 34 at firms with 800-1000 lawyers
- 26 at firms with 600-800 lawyers
- 16 at firms with 400-600 lawyers
- 10 at firms with 250-400 lawyers.
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