Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
How to Build Relationships that Generate Business
You may know dozens of people who belong to groups, clubs, committees and volunteer activities with you -- but they don't send you work. Or you may find that after years of working through lunch, your business network is pretty small.
Join business development expert Michael G. Cummings and me on a live Webinar on July 12, as we explain how to start relationships that lead to new files, and how to transform existing relationships into new business. Click here for details about the program.
As a lawyer, you are trained that "real work" comes firsts and that you must meet your billable hour target. Consequently, your circle of business contacts may be little, and probably limited to the lawyers in your firm and your current clients. You know that new business comes via personal relationships, but you have a small network. We'll reveal the secret to building relationships that generate new business.
On the other hand, you may be a lawyer who goes to all the bar association meetings, is active in the community, is a Cubmaster, is a volunteer on a charity, serves as an elected official and belongs to service clubs. But for some reason, all this activity doesn't turn into new files. It seems that all the other lawyers get the work. We'll explain how you expand these relationships so that they generate new business.
These relationship situations are easily transformed without taking advantage of people or imposing on relationships. Instead, we'll recommend you harness your innate desire to help people, develop the ability to ask particular questions, and train yourself to listen for the answers. Building relationships that generate new business draws on a set of learnable techniques -- not pushy salesmanship or overbearing behavior.
By attending this live Web seminar on Thursday July 12, you'll hear about real-life case histories where lawyers following their approach were able to double their revenue within a year. Click here to reserve your seat for this live Webinar.
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