Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Heard of WhoCanISue.com? Hilarious Video Satirizes Lawsuit-Crazy Lawyers
There's some buzz about a new client-lawyer matching service called "WhoCanISue.com." Some have called it a terrible idea that brings disrepute upon the profession, on the other hand, others say it borders on barratry, which is the unethical stirring up of quarrels and lawsuits.
My viewpoint of WhoCanISue.com is summed up by a hilarious video on YouTube that satirizes bad lawyer advertising, brought to you by the fictional law firm of Swindel & Scheister. "We will sue everybody," says the ad, if you've ever been misunderstood, stung by a bee or annoyed by pop-up advertisements.
As somber music plays, the actors wear dress shirts, ties -- and shorts. Their buzz haircuts are right out of middle school, and one guy could sure use a shave. But the mock-u-tisement says you can call them at 1-800-We-Will-Sue.
Tel: 630.942.0977
Absolutely hilarious video!
But, that's not WhoCanISue.com's approach. For a better understanding of what they're all about, you and your readers might (or might not!) want to take a look at:
WhoCanISue.com Backgrounder:
Curtis Wolfe bio:
The full press release issued yesterday can be read online in its entirety on PRNewswire at: http://tinyurl.com/6rkvb7.
(TinyURLs provided only so as not to clog your comments with long URLs.)