Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Evidence that the Yellow Pages are Trash
If there was every any doubt that lawyers should cancel their Yellow Pages, I offer this photographic evidence. I just got the latest edition of “The Real Yellow Pages” from AT&T. Notice the presentation: dumped like a piece of garbage on my front lawn, wrapped in a cheap plastic bag. They certainly made no effort to make me feel special – I saw what I thought was litter through a window and went outside to toss it into the trash.
Then I discovered it was the Yellow pages, crammed with attorney ads. The “Lawyers” section of the yellow pages went from pages 497 to 538, and except for the frequent use of gavels and scales of justice, they could have been ads for tire companies. The lawyers probably spent a lot of money to be sure they were included in something that resembled yard waste.
Tel: 630.942.0977
Although I agree, I was suprised to recieve the following research article, posted by business wire, stating that the "Yellow Pages" are the number 1 choice for consumers seeking an attorney. Personally, I wouldnt be suprised if the Yellow Pages are the ones who initiated the research...
New Research Says Yellow Pages Advertising #1 Choice for Consumers Seeking an Attorney
Business Wire
31 October 2007
New Research Says Yellow Pages Advertising #1 Choice for Consumers Seeking an Attorney
"Attorneys-Lawyers" Yellow Pages Heading Referenced More Than 290 Million Times Per Year
BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N.J. -- The Yellow Pages Association[TM] (YPA[TM]) today announced that according to a new Attorney Advertising Perceptions Study from Wiese Research Associates, Inc., consumers have rated Yellow Pages as the most acceptable form of attorney advertising. With 46 percent of respondents saying they would use the Yellow Pages to select an attorney (1) if they were not familiar with or referred to a particular attorney, it's no surprise the "Attorneys-Lawyers" Yellow Pages heading ranks 6th out of more than 4,000 headings and generates nearly 290 million references annually (2).
Additional findings include:
* On a 10-point scale with "1" being totally unacceptable and "10" being totally acceptable, Yellow Pages advertising is the most acceptable form of advertising, scoring 6.7, compared to other mediums ranging from 3.9 to 5.3.
* Nearly four out of 10 consumers responded that the Yellow Pages is the best way for lawyers to inform potential clients of their services.
* Consumers rated the Yellow Pages significantly higher than other advertising mediums when it comes to attributes such as usefulness, objectivity, completeness and credibility.
"Attorneys and lawyers are very concerned with how their advertising is perceived amongst consumers," said Larry Small, director of research of YPA. "In today's environment, there are numerous ways to obtain information. The Yellow Pages is a directional medium that lets people who are looking for attorneys, find what they are looking for on their terms - where they want, when they want and how they want."
The Attorney Advertising Perceptions Study was conducted by Wiese Research Associates, Inc. to determine how consumers view attorney advertising, as well as how perceptions and actual use of various advertising mediums may influence consumer image of the legal profession. A random sample, telephone-based survey of 400 households was completed nationwide during July and August 2007.