Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Nurses in High Heels and a Toilet of Money highlight the Law Marketing of whocanisue.com
Belching up from the dregs comes the marketing campaign of whocanisue.com, featuring sexy nurses and an overflowing toilet of money.
Ordinarily I'm all in favor of freedom of marketing for lawyers. But I'm barfing as I review their bottom-feeding, publicity whoring campaign. It really does bring disrepute upon the legal profession. For $1,000, lawyers can be listed on the client-matching website. It will certainly attract plenty of nuisance plaintiffs for them.
The clowns at this company rented a booth at the recent ABA annual meeting. It featured three models in skin-tight nurse's outfits wearing red high heels. This image suggested two things:
- A helping person to nurse a sick practice to health.
- Call girls.
The overflowing toilet of money suggested:
- They have enough money to choke a toilet. They need a plumber and banker.
- They believe that money is fecal matter.
I talked to web entrepreneur and blogger Stan Chess of New York, who cleverly bought the domain name WHOMcanisue.com. "They are amazing at getting publicity," Chess said, "but their business plan is a piece of [fecal matter]."
"It cheapens the practice of law," he said. "I can't imagine too many lawyers will want to put their marketing money into this.
Even the name whocanisue is barratry, which is the unethical stirring up of complaints and lawsuits. "Over the past ten years, I have seen a lot of companies with excellent plans that have come and gone," Chess said. "I'll be amazed if this thing succeeds."
You never know. Borat was a hit movie featuring the main character making fecal matter in the middle of Times Square.
Tel: 630.942.0977
The hypocrisy of this blog makes me laugh. The only way it can possibly get any viewership is to ride the coat tails of whocanisue.com. Even better than that is the person you interviewed who try's to degrade them,says he's amazed if they succeed then pays for a name close to theirs so he can bottom feed off the unfortunate ones who misspell their website. Pathetic!
By any chance do you work for whocanisue.com or their PR company? Your comment certainly raises the question. Who else would be upset about criticism of such a near-porno marketing campaign?
~Larry Bodine
Don't confuse near-porno with fun memorable branding. Look we've been in business for only two weeks and you'll never forget us. True?