Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Associates Develop New Business in '99 Days' Program
When Beth O. Seabright, Director of Marketing at Tucker Arensberg, PC in Pittsburgh, PA, joined her first law firm, she was surprised inspired by the young, bright, outgoing associates who were eager to build their own book of business, even right out of law school.
The problem was that they didn't know where to begin. She realized that if these individuals were actually going to become rainmakers, they needed some education and business development guidance. With this in mind, she developed a program targeted to help associates understand business development concepts and begin to develop effective business development habits early in their legal career: The 99 Days Business Development Challenge.
Here are the results:
- Nearly every associate completed a contact list and a business development plan
- Numerous meetings with clients/prospects/referral sources took place
- Several networking events were attended
- 5 articles were published
- 9 presentations were made
- 22 new matters were opened
- 19 new clients were brought into the firm.
To see how she did it, read Associates Develop New Business in '99 Days' Program on the LawMarketing Portal at www.lawmarketing.com.
For a follow-up post, please go here.
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