Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
LTN AWARDS Deadline Extended to Dec. 3 - Nominate your firm/law dept.
By popular demand, Law Technology News has extended the deadline to enter its 2008 LTN Awards to WEDNESDAY DEC 3.
Especially in tough economic times, here's an opportunity to showcase your organization's technology stars -- and projects. Toda y, as Doug Caddell (a former winner of IT Director of the Year) says, you can't just sell your legal skills -- who also have to "sell" your technology. What better way to demonstrate your success than winning one of beautiful lucite stars signifying that your organization is the best of 2008?
The process is simple and painless... Just download the application at www.lawtechnologynews.com (click on LTN Awards on top nav bar) -- or visit www.tinyurl.com/LTNawards
Categories include:
• IT Director of the Year (your IT director or a IT key staff member)
• IT Champion of the Year (a non-IT person at your organization who has helped advance technology adoptation)
• Most innovative use of technology in:
-- A trial
-- A law firm
-- A law dept.
-- A pro bono project
The eligibility period for projects is July 31, 07- July 31, 08.
As Nike sez, "Just Do IT!" and as the NY Lottery sez, "You can't win if you don't enter!"
Questions? Contact Kevin Iredell kevin.iredell@incisivemedia.com
Tel: 630.942.0977