Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Look! A See-Through Plastic Post Card
Here's something I've never seen before: a plastic see-through post card. I liked it as a marketing tool because it really popped out of all the other mail I get. Appropriately, it promotes a $100 discount to a marketing conference in Chicago in July.
The text and graphics are painted onto the oversize 6"x9" card, and the address appears to be laser printed onto the card. Created by ShipShapes, the "ClearCard™ is a rectangular direct mail piece that captures attention, evokes a response, and sticks around while conventional mail gets tossed in a recycle bin or trash can."
"ClearCards are unconventional post card mailers that not only get noticed, they influence response, generate word-of-mouth advertising, and encourage recipients to hold onto them. In test campaigns, ClearCards consistently outperform control pieces with 3 to 10 time higher measures."
You can put a dinosaur, water bottle or castle as the graphic on the ClearCard. The company says the cards generated a 49% response rate for a sports team ticket promotion and the best ROI and 320% lift for a telecom company seeking new ISP subscribers.
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A see through plastic post card is an excellent tool for popping out marketing products. They are superb.
A marketing postcard is a great advertising tool. You just have to make it more interesting to get the attention of your prospects.