Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
OMG! Womble Carlyle Releases Clever Texting Video! ROFLMAO!
Aden Dauchess, Director of Digital Marketing, and the tech wizards at 530-lawyer Womble Carlye will release a funny video of two laywers texting each other about the sale of a factory.
To the tune of Leroy Anderson's orchestra music "The Typewriter," it shows the shorthand used in the text messages and a polite translation below.
At the end, Burley Mitchell, former Supreme Court Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court and a Womble Carlyle attorney appears, snapping his cell phone shut.
To see it visit http://www.wcsr.com/resources/video/TheFutureNow-texting.wmv The video, titled "The Future is Now" was created by Robby Merritt of Merritt Videoworks.
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