Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Proving Marketing ROI in One Page
The bane of marketers is proving their value to their law firms. Unless they can do so, they'll be viewed as overhead and a potential cost to be cut. A clever solution is to send management a regular report on marketing initiatives -- and do so in one page. Here's a sample of what your ROI report can look like.
A Summary of Marketing and Business Development Department Activities
[ DATE ]
In the last __ months, the Marketing and Business Development Department engaged in the following activities:
- Wrote and produced ___RFP responses for top clients, as well as ___ informal pitches for a variety of clients and prospects.
- Produced ___ Webinars (__1 more are scheduled before the end of year; attendance at each program averages ___ clients and prospects).
- Held ___ seminar programs and ___ client webinars for various practice groups.
- Made ___ pitches to targeted media (overall results: ___media hits in print and ____ on the internet).
- Coordinated the firm's responses to __ media, bar and industry surveys.
..............to see the rest of the form, visit the LawMarketing Portal at www.lawmarketing.com
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