Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
New Webinar: Turning Personal Contacts Into Profitable Business Relationships
WEBINAR PRESENTED BY: Apollo Business Development
SPEAKERS: Larry Bodine, Esq. and Michael Cummings
DATE: September 17, 2009; 1PM - 2:15 PM Eastern time
LOCATION: On the Web, on your computer
MORE INFO: CONTACT Michael Cummings; (Tel) 630-572-4798 or mcummings@sageprofessional.com
WEB SITE: http://www.sagelawmarketing.com/webseminar49
Learn how to make solid business development progress through the relationships you build: grow your contact base the professional way, engage contacts deftly and uncover mutually beneficial opportunities, plus gain introductions to valuable new contacts. Marketing experts Michael G. Cummings and I host this LIVE presentation.
Transitioning contacts into business assets is especially difficult for attorneys. They don’t want to come off as desperate or unprofessional. They don’t know how to qualify a contact for business potential. Often they avoid business discussions because they don’t want to jeopardize the current form of the relationship. Or they assume having lunch or being friendly will somehow magically produce work.
By contrast, rainmakers know how to confidently mix business with their social, personal, organizational contacts; while maintaining their professional demeanor and personal dignity. In this seminar, you will find out what they know and what they do.
Join network-building experts Michael G. Cummings and me of Apollo Business Development. We have trained and coached hundreds of attorneys at dozens of firms. These lawyers have leveraged their networks to land new clients, get introductions to potential clients and establish a professional reputation that keeps their caseload steady — and growing. In one instance, they helped a litigator at a trial boutique increase her originations from $200,000 per year to $2.5 million in one year! She simply followed the advice that is fully covered in this seminar. For more information about the speakers, see below.
Topics Include:
• Taking an inventory of your current contacts
• Qualifying and prioritizing your current contacts
• Determining which of of your personal contacts has business potential
• How to approach these contacts and engage in a business dialog in a professional manner
• Transitioning from social conversations into a business dialog
• Maintaining a professional manner and personal dignity while pursuing business
• Asking your current contacts for introductions to other people of value
• Cultivating and maintaining an ongoing value added business relationship
• How to target and build the right kind of new business relationships
• How to “network” when you are at a meeting or event
For just $300, you and others in your firm can learn how to make solid business development progress: grow your contact base, develop the skill of engaging and qualifying contacts, learn how your contacts can introduce you to others with business value, plus apply methods for cultivating a mutually beneficial business relationship.
For more details or to Register NOW, go to www.sagelawmarketing.com/webseminar49#register. Or click here:
Tel: 630.942.0977