Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Many Law Firms Exhibit at ACC Conference
Now with 25,000 members, the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) has become a force to be reckoned with, especially in the current buyer’s market for legal services. More than 30 law firms filled booths on the exhibit floor at the annual conference in Boston.
By far, the very best tchotchke was given out by Gowlings, a leading Canadian law firm with more than 700 lawyers in offices across the country and one in Moscow. It is a lawyer-powered recharger. The mouse-sized device has a little hand crank, which can be plugged into an adaptor to recharge your cell phone, PDA or wireless device. So if you’re ever in distress and without power, you can turn to Gowlings for a solution. Gowlings will stand behind you in your hour of powerlessness. I could go on. Thanks ever so much to Stephen A Pike of Toronto and Todd J. Burke of Ottawa.
The exhibit hall was a shopping center of law firms at the Hynes Convention Center, and an endless cornucopia of roast beef, chocolate and free alcohol. To see the list of law firms that exhibited, visit the LawMarketing Portal at http://bit.ly/aLZKV
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