Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
PR Strategies on a Shoe String Budget
Catch John Remsen and me presenting "PR Strategies on a Shoe String Budget" on BlogTalk Radio.
Listen in as your host Kevin Chern of TotalAttorneys presents a follow-up to our presentation at the 2009 Get a Life Conference, "Powerful PR Strategies on a Shoe String Budget: Tips from the Trenches for Solos and Smaller Law Firms." Listen in for answers to your questions on how to work with the media to build and enhance your reputation as a leading attorney and how to attract desirable clients.
We cover in detail:
- Do you need to retain a professional PR firm?
- How to pitch a story to a news reporter.
- Putting a local spin on your legal news story.
- Becoming an indispensable resource for the reporter.
- When to get in touch with bloggers to spread your story online.
- Pitching the right audience.
- Questions to ask reporters when you meet them in person.
- Where to get the most bang for your buck with the media.
- Using blogs, online social networks and Twitter.
- Join a group on LinkedIn, listing yourself in Google Local.
- Getting active speaking to community groups.
- When publishing an article, find the publication that wants it before you write it.
- Start distributing an e-newsletter with a $15/month distribution service.
- How to develop content for your electronic newsletter.
- Writing for the short-attention-span generation.
- Benefits of a web seminar for $0 to $200 -- presenting your slides on the Web. How to get potential clients to attend.
- Setting up a BlogTalk radio program and broadcasting on the web.
- Finding consumer clients with a Facebook account.
- Joining a group that will help build your practice.
And way more. Visit http://bit.ly/amPfHn
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