Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
New Proof: Blogging Works for Law Firm Marketing
Need to prove to your partners that blogging is worth the effort in business development? HubSpot has arrived to help, with "Marketing Data: 101 Charts & Graphs."
- Nearly 50% of people read blogs more than once a day.
- The most linked-to words in a blog are: recent, insights, soon, answers, analysis, facts, review, build, great and tips -- in that order.
- The most commented-on words are, in order: giveaway, recap, review, jobs, recruiting, events, gift, money, interview and comments.
- Bloggers should stay away from technical words like: franchise, episode, futures, conferencing, investment, estate, derivatives, virtualization, investing and backup -- they are the least-viewed words.
People read a lot of blogs, primarily in the morning, peaking at 10 AM. People also comment more in the mornings, peaking at 9 AM.
For more, see The Science of Blogging at http://bit.ly/ezRm8w
HubSpot complied this data from a variety of sources, including analysis of our 3,700 business customers, surveys with hundreds of businesses responding, analysis of the data in our free tools like Website Grader, Twitter Grader and Facebook Grader.
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