Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Who Will Win the "Marketing Professional of The Year Award" Tonight?
Tonight at the Marketing Partner Forum in Phoenix, AZ, the Hubbard One Marketing Professional of the Year Award will be bestowed at a "red carpet" reception at 6 PM Mountain Time. As I have for many years, I'll report on who gets this honor.
Past winners are an all-star cast of business development cognoscenti:
- 2010: Andrea K. Stimmel, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost
- 2009: Deborah Roth Grabein, Andrews Kurth
- 2008: Anne Malloy Tucker, Goodwin Procter
- 2007: Ed Schechter, formerly with Duane Morris
- 2006: Elizabeth Chambers, Bingham McCutchen
- 2005: Tara Magee Weintritt, Miles & Stockbridge
- 2004: Laura Meherg, formerly with Burr & Forman
- 2003: Mark Beese, formerly with Holland & Hart
The judges will consider nominees based on their :
- Results.
- Excellence.
- Leadership
- Innovation
- Sophistication
- Communication.
- Effectiveness.
Awards will also be given for the Best Marketing Initiative and the Best Use of Technology. Watch this space to find out who takes home the awards.
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