Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog

50 Great Questions to Build Conversations in Law Firm Marketing

Nancy Fox, law firm marketing, legal marketing, networking, questionsNancy Fox of Los Angeles has put together a great list of questions to break the ice, build conversations and become a people magnet at networking events. Here are the top 10:

1. Tell me about your business?

2. How did you happen to come to this event?

3. What made you decide to attend?

4. What market are you in, who is your ideal client base?

5. What makes your business distinct? What are some of the unique aspects to your business?

6. How can I be a good referrer for you?

7. What are some of the biggest challenges in your market?

8. What are some of the biggest challenges you've experienced this year?

9. Do you have employees? Tell me about your employees?

10. What conferences have you attended recently that you've enjoyed or found valuable?

The get the other 40 questions, visit The Business Fox.

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