Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Chart of Online Activity in Law Firm Marketing
Where is the overall online activity for law firm marketing? Roughly 40% of it is in search engines, 30% in blogs and 30% in social media, according to Hubspot, which analyzed 33 keywords for the word "lawyer." Within social media, 35% of the activity is in LinkedIn, 33% in Twitter, 21% in YouTube and only 11% in Twitter, according to the Online Marketing Opportunity Report by Industry.
The results are summarized in the graphs below. For example, this means more people are likely to search for "lawyer" than blog about it.
"Do not simply look for the most active area for your industry and conclude that the optimal place to market is the most active space," Hubspot advises. "As with many things in life, it is possible that great benefits can be accrued by following the less traveled path."
The chart shows that search engine optimization is the most competitive area for the term "lawyer," and thus pursuing keywords is a losing strategy. Blogs are a less competitive initiative where a lawyer can stand out more easily.
Social media accounts for about 1/4 of activity for lawyers. Within these channels, most of the activity is on LinkedIn (a happy hunting ground for lawyers) and Twitter (a waste of time for lawyers). My recommendation is to focus on YouTube, where the competition is less and the ability to influence client hiring decisions is great.
"If the video is good enough, you may be able to get enough interest in the video for it to go viral and
ultimately rank well thanks to the number of accumulated views (the number of video views and comments
significantly impact the rankings in search results)," Hubspot report.
Check out Hubspot's Free Webinar "How to Use Online Video for Inbound Marketing."
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