Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
TV is the Dominant Viewing Medium
Marketers were impressed that the average Facebook user spends 7 hours and 45 minutes per month on the site according to The Nielsen Company.
More time is spent on Facebook than any other website.
However, that's small change when compared to how much time people spend watching TV. Remember TV? It's the video that you watch "not on your computer."
Americans watch 146 hours and 20 minutes of traditional TV per month in their homes. Nielsen also reports that among Americans watching video, the women watch 153 hours of TV per month, with women aged 50+ watching more than 200 hours per month. In contrast, male viewers watch 138 hours of TV per month. African-Americans watch more than double the amount of TV (202 hours per month) than Asians (97 hours).
97% of Americans watch TV in their homes, double the number -- 48% -- who now watch video online, according to Nielsen's new report, “The Cross-Platform Report.” Watching video on the Internet and on smart phones is certainly growing fast, but they have a long way to go to catch up to traditional TV.
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Larry, that's really interesting info. Do you ever think it will become commonplace that I'll send someone, instead of a voice mail or an email, a video-mail wherein I deliver my message on video, recorded by the camera on my computer? Your blog is great! -- Bruce