Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog

Using Social Media to Drive Revenue at Marketing Partner Forum

Marketing Partner Forum 2012Social media should be part of every law firm's marketing and business development strategy. Join me at the Marketing Partner Forum on January 18, 2012 for a workshop where you will learn how to develop real opportunities through social media and sustain your effort through tracking and reporting. From creating content to creating buy-in, this roll-up-your-sleeves session will provide tools and ideas to help you fully utilize social media options to drive revenue.

My colleagues in this three-hour workshop are:

  • Adam L. Stock, Director of Business Development & Marketing for Allen Matkins in San Francisco.
  • Jasmine Trillos-Decarie, Director of Marketing & Business Development for Foley Hoag in Boston.

Adam, Jasmine and I made a presentation on social media to a packed room at the LMA Bay Area Chapter meeting earlier this year, and you won't want to miss this.

Adam Stock Allen MatkinsI've attended the Marketing Partner Forum for more than 10 years in a row, and I recommend it. This year the conference will be in Miami at the classy Turnberry Isle Hotel.

The MPF will have more than 50 speakers. There will be programs on legal industry trends, business development, relationship selling, competitive intelligence, client service, branding, alternative fees, staffing structures, and web trends for 2012.

The keynote speaker is Mario Moussa, Ph.D., Co-Author of The Art of Woo: Using Strategic Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas. The conference runs for 20 hours over a three-day period.

But the main reason I attend is to talk to the other attendees. More than 200 people -- practicing lawyers and top-level CMOs -- have registered so far, and many more will be there. I know I'll have many intelligent conversations with people who are see-in-the-dark smart. The MPF is the conference where the decision-makers go.

Here's a little tip from your Uncle Lar: you'll get 10% off your registration when you use promo code MPF10 when registering.

I expect to blog live from the conference, so stay tuned right here for daily updates. There are many reasons to go, and being in Florida in January has a certain appeal to a Chicago boy like me.

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Larry Bodine Marketing, 691 Wingate Road, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Tel: 630.942.0977