Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
If You Want to Look Old, Get an iPad
I recently asked my 27-year old son if he had an iPad and what he thought about it. I always like to get the viewpoint of the younger generation. The kid works at Deloitte and knows technology since the days when we used to take computers apart when he was little.
He emailed back:
"I do not have an iPad. I don't actually know anyone my age that has one...but apparently they are pretty popular with the Baby Boomer generation. The main reason nobody my age has one is they are expensive, and they are basically just oversized iPhones that can't make phone calls. They are like computers, but not anywhere near as capable as a normal computer. My guess is that they mainly appeal to people that enjoy the following:
- Touch screen instead of using a mouse [read: your hands are too unsteady to hold a mouse]
- Easy access to Internet browsing at home [read: so you can text your grandchildren]
- Large screen for apps [read: you need reading glasses]
- eBooks [read: people who have a lot of free time, grandma]
- Facetime chat
"None of those things above appeal to me in particular, not for the $500 price tag or whatever they cost. But for someone that's older, has money, and not really into computers, an iPad may have a lot of appeal."
So if you want to look really old, ask Santa for an iPad.
Tel: 630.942.0977
Great story but probably a minority opinion!
Thanks for making me feel old :-) Mitch
Your son is out of touch. (Pun intended) It may be the crowd he hangs with, but the twenty/thirty somethings here are buying iPads left and right.
Comment from Larry Bodine: You are the first person to tell me he's out of touch. Reasonable people can disagree, but he's my tech contact in the youth world, and he hasn't been wrong yet.