Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
How Much Law Firm Media Professionals Earn
LFMP YEAR-END SPECIAL EVENT—THE WORLD TRADE CENTER When: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Where: 7 World Trade Center, 250 Greenwich Street
Join us at The World Trade Center, where we will gather, earlier than usual, to hear a few words from one of the project leaders about the iconic site, enjoy cocktails and light snacks and then have the opportunity to visit the stunning, celebrated Memorial Garden.
Click here to RSVP |
A compensation survey conducted jointly by the Law Firm Media Professionals and Hellerman Baretz Communications revealed that the average salary among all respondents was $130,391.
This is down nearly $8,000 from the 2010 survey. The most interesting findings of the survey included:
- Only 59% received a raise, as compared to 76% in 2010.
- West Coast and Northwest respondents had the highest average salary: $160,000. Respondents from the Northeast reported an average salary of $133,627.
- $135,650 is the average salary for a respondent whose firm budgets for social media, compared to $132,643 for a respondent whose firm doesn’t budget for social media.
- $152,582 is the average salary for a respondent whose firm uses an outside PR/communications agency, while that of respondents whose firm doesn’t use an outside PR/communications agency was $102,535.
- $132,047 is the average salary for a respondent whose firm maintains at least one blog ($150,720 for those who blog three or more times a week), while that of respondents whose firm doesn’t maintain a blog was $125,322.
The survey was conducted from February 13 to February 24, 2012. LFMP members were polled, and there was a total of 76 respondents. Zoomerang.com collected the confidential data, which was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and third-party analytics software.
Full details are in the Law Firm Media Professionals / Hellerman Baretz Communications Compensation Survey.
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