Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
300+ GCs Attend Network of Trial Law Firms CLE Event
The 7,000 litigators of the Network of Trial Law Firms have found a brilliant way to market to corporate general counsel -- by teaching them CLE in 20-minute nuggets.
More than 300 GCs will convene in New York today for the Network's "Litigation Management in a New York Minute - 2012" meeting at the Association of the Bar of New York. In an all-day session, two dozen defense trial lawyers will speak in 20-minute sessions on topics such as:
- Tony Lathrop on “In-House Counsel Perspectives on Litigation Challenges and Trends”
- David Neave on “Effectively Managing Inter-Jurisdictional Class Actions”
- David Harris on “Trade Secret Litigation”
- Jeff Williams on ”Managing E-Discovery Providers - Avoiding Traps for the Unwary”
The Network is a not-for-profit corporation producing cutting-edge CLE and it makes its coursebook available online in a PDF, eCoursebook (ePub) for Nook, eReader, iPhone and iPad and eCoursebook (mobi) for Kindle.
Founded in 1993, the Network has 24 member law firms in 165 offices in the US and Canada, according to Ellis R. Mirsky, General Counsel and Executive Director. "The Network has more boots on the ground in more jurisdictions than a single law firm can cover," he said.
The objective of the Network is to be a branded alternative to mega-firms, to safely share valuable market intelligence and to generate Inbound referrals from network members.
There are hundreds of free, educational videos by top litigators on the Network website, plus scores of litigation management podcasts online that are also available in iTunes. For example, Warren Platt, the 2008-2009 Network Chair, is interviewed on SkyRadio Network:
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One of the videos is "The Ten Commandments of Cross Examination" by Hugh Gottschalk of Wheeler Trigg O'Donnell in Denver, who discusses the elements of effective cross-examination, il'ustrated by some of Hollywood’s most memorable courtroom scenes.
"We are the home of the 'Litigation Management Supercourse," a program that we have produced and updated more than 60 times since 1993 with various not-for-profit CLE organizations and bar associations," Mirsky said.
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