Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Reap More Clients Through Reviews and Endorsements
Have you ever felt overwhelmed at the thought of trying to get an endorsement for your practice? There are actually several ways to get those positive reviews.
Research shows that more and more consumers are depending on reviews and endorsements for products and services before making a purchase. Online reviews of a business or product are viewed as “unbiased”, and therefore more credible. A good review can make you, and a bad review can turn clients away in droves.
Is there a way to generate reviews and endorsements for your practice? There are several:
Repurpose good reviews. If you have received good reviews or testimonials, post them on your website, in your e-newsletter and anywhere else that potential customers are likely to stumble upon them. And be sure to ask whoever provided you with that great review if they would also submit it to Google so it shows up in search.
Give to get. Social media is, well, social. So if you give good reviews on Facebook, LinkedIn or other social networking sites, chances are that the effort will be rewarded with reciprocal reviews.
Request a review. We know of a car salesman who routinely asks satisfied customers to post reviews of his service on Google and other review web sites. He says it is now responsible for a big part of his monthly new customer acquisition count. If you’ve made a client happy with your service, ask them to submit a review or testimonial saying why they loved doing business with you.
One thing you should never do is fake a review or testimonial. If they sound too glowing or like you wrote them, it will do much more harm than good. And somehow consumers can always tell what is authentic and what is not, so don’ t try to fool them or you could get burned.
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