Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Have You Ever Considered Attending a Rainmaker Retereat?
As a business owner, attending a rainmaker retreat may be a worthwhile investment of your time and money.
According to The Rainmaker Blog, here is how you can gauge for yourself:
Over 65 different marketing techniques that are proven to work in the real world environment of a fast moving law firm. Only practical techniques are discussed here.
The 5 critical numbers you need to be tracking in your law firm and how to measure your Return On Investment (ROI) for all your marketing efforts.
The core concepts of search engine optimization (SEO) and Internet marketing for attorneys and how to create a dominant position on the Internet.
Specific tools to automate your marketing system and “fix your follow up” to increase your conversion rates from prospects to paying clients.
How to fully leverage social media networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Avvo and JDSupra to drive new leads to your law firm.
How to focus your money on the most effective marketing strategies based on your specific practice area.
How to better select, train and motivate your partners and staff to do Rainmaking activities.
How to reduce your costs by eliminating ineffective marketing strategies.
How to utilize the 7 Rainmaker tools for generating more referrals and repeat business from current and former clients.
Over 30 low cost (starting at $20/mo.) and no cost marketing strategies to help you stretch your budget.
Software tools that will help you automate your marketing system.
Easy to use system for tracking all your incoming leads.
Specific tools to help you and your staff convert more prospects into paying clients.
Learn how other solo attorneys have leveraged Internet marketing and social media networks to beat much bigger firms.
These are the upcoming Rainmaker Retreats currently scheduled:
May 3-4, 2013 – Scottsdale, AZ
May 31-June 1, 2013 – New York City
July 19-20, 2013 – San Diego, CA
August 16-17, 2013 – Las Vegas, NV
September 20-21, 2013 – San Francisco, CA
To learn more about the Rainmaker Retreat and to register online, go to www.rainmakerretreat.com or call 888-588-5891.
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