Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog

Monica Bay's Top 10 Blog List

Law firm marketing, Monica BayHave you been seeking law-related blogs to follow, or to add to your subscription list in your news aggregator?  Look no further than Monica Bay's blog, The Common Scold, where she lists the blogs that are "Simply the Best."

Monica Bay is editor-in-chief of Law Technology News, a widely read magazine about innovations in technology for the legal profession.  It's the one magazine I read the moment I see it in the daily mail.  I'm honored that she reached down from the mountaintop and included this humble blog in her top ten list, which is:

• Robert Ambrogi's LawSites (Nobody knows Web 3.0/4.0/5.0 better than Bob).
May It Please the Court (J. Craig Williams' always amazing site.)
Where's Travis McGee (Bradley Parker, who is posting amazing dispatches from Afgahistan about his JAG work).
• Anything John Tredennick writes, including the ABA's Law Technology Today (OK, technically not a blog, so sue me.)
• K&L Gates' Electronic Discovery Law  (One of the first EDD blogs and terrific)
Al Nye the Lawyer Guy (soooo New England)
Overlawyered (Never disappoints.)
Larry Bodine (is there anyone he doesn't know?)
Ernie the Attorney (the soul of New Orleans)
Sports Law Blog (Did you have any doubt about that one?)

Runners up: Patent Baristas, BLT, CalLaw's Legal Pad, Greatest American Lawyer, , Jim Calloway's Law Practice Tips Blog, and of course, our own brand new blog, EDD Update.

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