Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
Vote for This Blog
The ABA Journal just notified me that this blog has been selected as one of the 100 best websites primarily written by lawyers, for lawyers. This blog is one of several in the Practice / Career Management category.
Now readers are being asked to vote on their favorites in each of the Blawg 100’s 10 categories. I encourage you to vote for blogs in all of the categories. To vote, click here. Voting ends Jan. 2, 2009. Winners in each category will receive free admission to the annual ABA TechShow from April 2-4 in
Look for this graphic about 8 choices down the list.

Larry Bodine LawMarketing Blog
Law firm marketing consultant (and onetime ABA Journal editor and publisher) Bodine posts early and often about ways law firms can get and retain clients. Bodine’s blog spotlights what’s in the news, sometimes training a critical eye on law firm marketing successes and failures.
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