Larry Bodine Law Marketing Blog
PR Tips for Enterprising Lawyers
I ran my own successful consulting practice for 11 years, and what I learned about getting publicity applies directly to lawyers. Here's how I made sure everybody was familiar with me:
- ALWAYS dropped everything to talk when a reporter called. I made sure I got his/her name, followed up and would send an occasional story idea afterwards. If the reporter worked nearby, I'd make sure to buy him/her a cup of coffee.
- Wrote a daily blog since 2004 (still do — the LawMarketing Blog at blog.larrybodine.com). It gets 500–700 unique visitors per day. Everywhere I go, people mention that they've read the blog.
- Became active in the trade association of my clients, and sought out speaking, writing and presentation opportunities.
- Presented Web seminars every other month on my topic of expertise. I kept track of the attendees and added them to my mailing list.
- Built up an email list of 2,000 names, which I used to promote webinars, appearances, and white papers.
Read the other five ways I made sure everybody was familiar with me on the LexisNexis blog.
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