Getting Motivated to Generate Six Figures in New Business
Join business development Michael G. Cummings and me at our Webinar this Thursday, May 10, as we reveal case histories of lawyers who have doubled and their income, how to avoid the 5 biggest attorney selling mistakes, the three areas to focus your energy, listening your way to new business and finding leads and new business targets.
Here are the details:
DATE:May 10, 2007; 1PM - 2PM Eastern
LOCATION: On the Web, On your computer
MORE INFO:CONTACT Laura Kresich, Program Director; (Tel) (773) 966-9273, (Fax) (630) 282-0472 or
Click here to sign up for this event
Is this you?
- I am ready, willing and able to generate new business, but just can't get started.
- I have made business development plans repeatedly, met with colleagues and collected volumes of information -- but haven't taken any action.
- My intentions are good, but I can't find the time to pursue business development.
- I find myself freezing up the moment it comes to pick up the telephone to call a new business contact.
Take heart -- most other lawyers are just like you. Business development experts Larry Bodine, Esq., a 15-year veteran of law firm business development, and Michael G. Cummings, who has 20 years' experience with professional services sales, will show you how to get started in this 60-minute live Web seminar.
Contact Laura Kresich: (312) 217-3895 or email
Registration fee: $300
You'll hear about real-world case studies where lawyers at first had trouble with business development, but afterwards:
- A commercial real estate parnter was able to double his billings and take part in a firmwide effort that brought in $1,000,000 in new business for the firm. Even though he was a talented networker, but he had trouble asking for business. With training, he became a skilled closer.
- A successful litigator was able to boost her revenue from $200,000 per year to $2.5 million in one year. She had learned how to turn her contacts on boards of directors into clients and introductions.
You too can be one of these fabulously successful attorneys. The advice we've given to lawyers really works. Business development is simply a set of learnable techniques, and you already have the intelligence and skills required for it.
The curriculum:
- Business development is not "selling," and there's no downside to it.
- You don't have to make cold calls.
- Building a business development plan based on what you're good at and activities you enjoy doing.
- The secret to business development.
- The 5 biggest mistakes attorneys make.
- "Selling" is not making a pitch, it's conducting an interview.
- How to sell like a doctor.
- How to find new business leads.
- Three business development priorities, and the order in which you should pursue them.
- Misconceptions about networking.
- Composing your 30-second commercial.
- The two kinds of companies that make the best targets.
- A dozen ways to get in front of a target buyer.
- What words to say at a business development meeting, and how to make your target like you.
- What makes a client buy.
If you check "yes" to any of the following, you should attend this webinar:
I have been in practice five years or more and have few clients of my own.
My best source of new business is a senior partner who gives me files to work on.
I've tried several times to get started with business development, but just canft find the time.
I am an income partner but don't generate enough revenue to qualify for equity partnership.
I keep waiting for the firm to help me with business development, but they haven't done anything.
I don't have a personal business development plan.
Contact Laura Kresich: (312) 217-3895 or email
Registration fee: $300
You can change your destiny by taking charge of your practice. It's not difficult and it's not uncomfortable. We know you went to law school so you wouldn't have to "sell," and you won't have to act like a used-car salesman. We'll show you how to be a rainmaker and remove the barriers to your success.
About the faculty
Mike Cummings and Larry Bodine have trained hundreds of lawyers to generate new business and make more money. All of their trainees are more prosperous, and most of them became rainmakers. They pick the clients they work with, do the work they enjoy, and enjoy the rewards and recognition that come with success.
Larry has advised firms as large as a 3,000 lawyer global law firm to a 25-lawyer trial boutique in
He was the Director of Communications of Sidley, Austin Brown & Wood for eight years. He has 15 years' experience as a journalist, serving as Editor and Publisher of the American Bar Association Journal and other news publications.
He practiced law in |
Early in his career, Michael was an instrumental member of the team that established the headquarters strategy and marketing function at Andersen Worldwide (Arthur Andersen & Accenture).
Prior to establishing SAGE, Michael was partner at Mercer Management Consulting -- a leading business design consulting firm. At Mercer, he was responsible for new business development, managing client relationships and delivering business design engagements in the communications, information and industrial industries