What Lawyers Earn: Find Yourself on the Chart
The following chart is from the 2011 Salary guide published by Robert Half Legal. Find yourself on the chart and see if you are earning as much as you should be. Please go to http://www.roberthalflegal.com/salarycenter to use the company's salary calculator.
Information in the guide is derived from a wide range of sources, including:
- Thousands of full-time and interim placements made by Robert Half across North America
- Local insight from our staffing and recruiting professionals throughout Robert Half's branch network
- Exclusive workplace research Robert Half conducts regularly among senior lawyers with the largest law firms and corporate legal departments in the United States and Canada
- An analysis of the hiring environment and an extrapolation of current trends into 2011.
Did Robert Half explain what these numbers represent?
They clearly aren't the full range of salaries nationwide, since that range would be much, much broader for all positions.
Are they based on a particular survey sample?
Are they meant to represent the middle 25% or 50% of a broader salary range?