Law Firm Marketing Survey Reveals Executives Rely on the Internet to Find Lawyers
A new survey by branding firm Greenfield/Belser and The Brand Research Company, spotlights how, where and what executives search for online as they consider lawyers and law firms to advise them.
- 85% of executives consider professional service firm websites important sources of information in their search for professionals.
- Three in four say the quality of a firm’s site influences whether they put a firm on their short list.
- 53% have put a firm on a short list based on the information found on the firm’s site.
- Specific-industry experience tops the list of things executives find important on sites, with 78% saying it is must-have information.
Executive-level buyers are online, in droves
94% are online daily for purposes other than email.
- 82% report the Internet has replaced other methods of researching almost completely.
- 76% told us the Internet has replaced other methods of receiving news almost completely.
- 42% indicate the Internet has replaced other methods of securing business purchases almost completely.
- 78% surveyed say they go online to search for outside legal, accounting and consulting professionals, but the majority (59%) do so less than monthly on average.
Search engines are a key tool for learning about professionals
- 50% of executive decision makers say that search engines are important.
- 48% say that being listed near the top on Google matters.
- When they use search engines, one in two decision makers always include keywords with specific expertise and industry.
- Other critical, but less important keywords include general practice areas, city and state.
Newer media tools gain traction
- Two-thirds of executives surveyed use social networking sites. For business, LinkedIn tops the list.
- 75% read blogs, with 37% reading them on a daily or weekly basis.
- Mobile phones are ubiquitous, but only 28% of executive decision makers view or listen to online content of any type on their phones; those who do, most often use it for news.
It was only a matter of time until the legal industry started catching up with the rest of the world. For every other industry, articles like this one were being posted in 2005. =-)
Online Marketing should be a part of your overall marketing strategy. Although many companies still utilize more traditional methods of marketing,
ABSOLUTELY! understanding the importance of the internet for precise information about a business or any other type of entity is essential.
The legal industry is quickly advancing into the digital age. This is just like the job search/executive recruiting industry. With more and more information being online, and more and more people being online it is only a matter of time until more industries are affected as dramatically as these two.