Succeed Using the Latest Online Law Firm Marketing Tools
With 65% of consumers beginning their search for a lawyer online, a strong presence on the Web is the foundation of a successful marketing plan. How does your firm stack up against the competition? Join me in Chicago on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, to gain proven insights during a free, informative networking event for lawyers, sponsored by LexisNexis. Please see here for more info.
My co-presenters include Ruth Davis, the Senior Director of Web Services at LexisNexis, and Robyn Raybould, the Director of Product Management at LexisNexis. Together, we will show you how your law firm can leverage the web to generate more new business.
Attending lawyers will learn:
- How consumers find an attorney online
The hottest growth areas for attorneys
- The benefits of social media: How it can help
- How to verify if your firm’s website is working for you
This practical, how-to program begins at Noon at the Metropolitan Club, Willis Tower, 233 South Wacker Drive, 67th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606. Our event contact is Holly Gebert, 937.865.7698, Email.