Law Firm Marketing: How Professionals Use LinkedIn

Recently, Lab42 conducted a survey of LinkedIn users to learn about how they use LinkedIn and how often they use it. (See the infographic below)

LinkedIn Usage by Career Level:

  • Top level executives primarily use LinkedIn for industry networking (22%) and promoting their businesses (20%).
  • Middle management professionals primarily use LinkedIn to keep in touch with other people (24%) and industry networking (20%).
  • Entry level employees primarily use LinkedIn for job searches (24%) and co-worker networking (23%).

Overall, the top activities on LinkedIn are industry networking (61%), keeping in touch (61%), and co-worker networking (55%). "As a social networking site for professionals, LinkedIn seems to be delivering on its brand promise," wrote Susan Gunelius of

In terms of how frequently LinkedIn users log in and actively use the site, 2 out of 3 members use the site at least a few times per week or more. Specifically, 35% of users access LinkedIn daily and 32% access the site a few times per week. Another 16% log into LinkedIn a few times per month while 8% log in whenever they get an email from LinkedIn.

Compare that to the 2% of users who log in monthly or the 6% of users who access LinkedIn less than once per month. "It's clear that LinkedIn users are satisfied enough with the user experience that they actively return and want more," Gunelius wrote.

how professionals use LinkedIn

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