Kids' Texting Acronyms Revealed

It's more popular for kids to send text messages to each other than to talk on their cell phones or even talk in person.  Working on tiny phone screens they've developed their own abbreviaitions, many of which are incomprehensible to us parents.  In case you missed it in the Sunday paper, here's the Rosetta stone of key phrases:

Book * A3 is "anytime, anywhere, anyplace."
* ASLP is "age, sex, location, picture."
* BD is "big deal."
* CMI is "call me."
* CTN is "can't talk nmv."
* F2T is "free to talk."
* FYEO is "for your eyes only."
* IAD8 is "it's a date."
* LDR is "long-distance relaŽtionship."
* LYN is "lying."
* MMAMP is "meet me at my place."
* P911 is "my parents are coming."
* PRW is "parents are watching."
* RUMF? is "are you male or female?"
* STATS is "your sex and age."
* YIWTGO is "yes, i want to go private."

Rob Nickel, a former undercover officer specializing in online crime for the Ontario Provincial Police in Canada, put together a glossary to help adults "speak Internet" in his book Staying Safe in a Wired World.  To learn more on the Internet, visit and

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