Applying Disney World's Techniques to Law Firm Marketing

Dennis Snow, Disney World, law firm marketingThe one thing everyone remembers about their visit to Disney World is how clean it is.  That's because it is every employee's job -- from the VP of Marketing to Captain Nemo -- to pick up any piece of trash they see and throw it away.

The marketers at Disney World know they are not selling rides, parades or cartoon characters. They are selling an experience. "What do we want our clients to say about their experience? Our brand is what our clients say about us, it’s not our marketing or logo. At most places it happens by default. We need to make it happen by design," said speaker, trainer and consultant Dennis Snow, who worked for 20 years at Disney World. He spoke at the 2010 Marketing Partner Forum in Florida.

"We want them to say in order to get repeat business:

  1. It was a magical experience
  2. They paid attention to every detail.
  3. They made me and my children feel special."

It's the experience that matters.

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John S - January 27, 2010 4:06 PM

What a phenomenal analogy. The first time most people ever meet a lawyer is when they have a case. Coupling the stereotypes that run rampant about attorneys and the nervousness felt by clients that comes with a new experience and not knowing what to expect can be a disaster. What a positive experience the clients would have if they were really listened to and the staff paid attention to every detail.

Julie A. Fleming - February 2, 2010 2:18 PM

You're absolutely right that the overall experience matters. Even with the best lawyers, if a client feels they have been treated rudely, have been made to wait too long, or haven't had their needs met, they'll start the search for another lawyer--and make sure that all of their friends know to stay away.

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