Tips and Articles about Google+ for Law Firm Marketing

google+ plus social media law firm legal marketing Here's a great tip about Using Google+ that I picked up from Mike Elgan.

Instead of saying, "I'm going to write a blog post now," or "I'm going to send an e-mail" or "I think I'll tweet something" you simply say what you have to say, then decide who you're going to say it to.

  • If you address it to "Public," it's a blog post.
  • If you address it to "Your Circles" it's a tweet.
  • If you address it to your "My Customers" Circle it's a business newsletter.
  • If you address it to a single person, it can be a letter to your mother.

I'd say this is pretty revolutionary.

journalist circlThere are lots of great articles online now about Google+. Here are my favorites:

5 Ways Journalists Are Using Google+ - from Mashable

Google+: The Complete Guide - from Mashable

5 Possible Reasons U.S. Users Are Ditching Facebook

- from PC World

Why Google+ Business Profiles Will Trump Facebook Pages - from CFO World

35 Personalities To Add To Your Circles -- HuffPost Tech