Adios, Facebook and Twitter ... Hello, Google+

Google plus, facebook, twitter, legal marketing, law firm marketingHere's my latest article in Law Technology News:

"Dear Facebook and Twitter,

I know we've been together for about five years, but I think it's time we start connecting with new people. Facebook, I appreciate that you've reconnected me with all my old girlfriends who still criticize my opinions. You've also hooked me up with people from high school that I've deliberately had nothing to do with for 20 years. And your security issues drive me crazy.

Twitter, I have trouble understanding you because you speak in only 140-character blurts. I've unfollowed your most irrelevant messages, but you still jumble my day with noise. I don't have enough bandwidth for you.

It's true. I've found someone new. Yes, I'm a "plussie." I've fallen for Google+.

With G+, lawyers can follow a client, send messages to chosen recipients, and collect information on any topic and share it for business development purposes.

For me, it's a social media do-over. I get to pick the people whose messages I follow by placing them in a Circle (without friending them or getting permission). Being a lawyer, I separate my circles into "clients," "potential clients," "colleagues," "friends," and "family." I can send a message to clients and it's like a business newsletter. When I address it to "public," it's like a blog entry. When I address it to "my circles" it's like a tweet. Lawyers like control and G+ offers it.

Facebook is one of the ten most hated companies in America. Yes, 750 million people use it, but a survey conducted by ForeSee Results found that Facebook ranked near the bottom for customer satisfaction. In contrast, 20 million people joined Google+ over the first three weeks in July. ..."

For the rest of the story visit Adios, Facebook and Twitter ... Hello, Google+

Tips and Articles about Google+ for Law Firm Marketing

google+ plus social media law firm legal marketing Here's a great tip about Using Google+ that I picked up from Mike Elgan.

Instead of saying, "I'm going to write a blog post now," or "I'm going to send an e-mail" or "I think I'll tweet something" you simply say what you have to say, then decide who you're going to say it to.

  • If you address it to "Public," it's a blog post.
  • If you address it to "Your Circles" it's a tweet.
  • If you address it to your "My Customers" Circle it's a business newsletter.
  • If you address it to a single person, it can be a letter to your mother.

I'd say this is pretty revolutionary.

journalist circlThere are lots of great articles online now about Google+. Here are my favorites:

5 Ways Journalists Are Using Google+ - from Mashable

Google+: The Complete Guide - from Mashable

5 Possible Reasons U.S. Users Are Ditching Facebook

- from PC World

Why Google+ Business Profiles Will Trump Facebook Pages - from CFO World

35 Personalities To Add To Your Circles -- HuffPost Tech